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Bradenton, FL, is the largest city in beautiful Manatee County. If you’re looking for a family friendly community that has everything to offer, Bradenton real estate should definitely be on your radar. With a Bradenton home that’s located near the beach, all you have to do is walk out of your door to experience the kind of fun in the sun that Florida is famous for. It’s easy to get to nearby St. Petersburg for excitement and nightlife via the Sunshine Skyway Bridge that connects the two cities.
Artists and patrons of the arts will love living in Bradenton. The city is home to the The Village of the Arts, home to residents, local artists, workshops and studios, art galleries, and restaurants and cafes. This unique area makes Bradenton a dream come true for anyone who’s ever dreamed of living among artists and being involved in the art world.
For creative types, living near The Village of the Arts can serve as a great inspiration. Some of the types of art being produced in the Village include sculpture, photography, woodcarving, painting, musical performance, and botanical art. And that’s just a small sample of what you might find when you visit.
As vital as the art scene in Bradenton is, it isn’t the only thing that the city has to recommend it. Sports fans will love watching the Pittsburgh Pirates complete their spring training at Bradenton’s McKechnie Field, and the city is also the proud home of the Bradenton Marauders minor league baseball team. Some of the other notable sites and highlights of Bradenton include: