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Located in downtown Sarasota, the condos at Alinari are great for someone who wants a comfortable condo that’s located near water, beaches, and big city conveniences, all at the same time. Depending on whether your condo at Ainari is located on the east or the west, you may be able to look out of your window and see the sun rise over busy downtown Sarasota in the morning, illuminating the waking city, or set over the peaceful Sarasota Bay and Longboat and Lido Keys at the end of the day.
Scroll down to see all available units for sale at Alinari, Sarasota, or read more about the building and neighborhood amenities of this popular condo community.
There are two, two-bedroom condo models and two penthouse models at the Alinari. Both the Aria and the Monte Verde units have two bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, and a den, but the Aria has slightly more square footage. One penthouse unit is a two story, two bedroom and three and a half bathroom model with more than 2,500 square feet of space, while the other is a three bedroom three and a half bath model with more than 3,000 square feet of space. Alinari condos start in the low $300,000s and increase to over $1 million.
There are many perks that come with being a resident of Alinari. Some of the benefits to Alinari condo owners include:
• Pool
• Billiard room
• Climate controlled storage
• Business center
• High speed internet
• Fitness center
Where to go once you step outside your building might be a tough choice when you have the day free to do as you wish. Are you in the mood for a relaxing day at the beach? Head over Ringling Bridge and arrive at Lido Key to swim and spend the day in the sun. Do you feel like diving headfirst into the big city life? Then it’s downtown Sarasota for you, where you can take in a live show at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, explore the Ringling Museum of Art, get lunch and coffee at Michelle’s Brown Bag Cafe, and shop at unique Main Street stores.
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