Wanting to learn more about Muirfield Village townhomes for sale? View all available Muirfield Village townhomes in Sarasota, Florida currently on the market below. If you would like more information on any of the Muirfield Village townhomes you see below, just click the “Ask a Question” button when viewing the details of that property. We can provide you with disclosures, past sales history, dates and prices of homes recently sold nearby, and more.
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Muirfield Village is a dynamic new townhome community that’s conveniently situated near downtown Sarasota. In addition to fabulous, multi-level townhouses, the Muirfield Village community is also gated, giving residents an extra sense of privacy and security that’s only one of the many benefits that coincide with living in this tremendous Sarasota location.
Featuring a classic south Florida look and feel, four very functional floor plans were offered when Muirfield Village in Sarasota was first developed, with each offering spacious open-concept layouts, granite counters, upgraded appliances, and ceramic tile surrounds in the bathrooms. Each townhouse at Muirfield Village also includes between two and three bedrooms, and anywhere from 1,571 to 2,153 square feet of total living space. Interested buyers can expect townhouses for sale at Muirfield Village to price somewhere in the mid to high $200s, and the community can be found just off Honore Avenue, just north of Desoto Road. For additional information about Muirfield Village townhomes for sale, or other Sarasota real estate, give me a call at your earliest convenience to discuss all your home buying needs and wants here in sunny south Florida!