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[showcaseidx shortcode encountered an error]Palmer Ridge in Sarasota, FL is a 90-home community that was originally developed by Ryland Homes. Set on just under 27 acres, the Palmer Ridge subdivision is a new housing development that features larger homes that generally have between three and five bedrooms, and anywhere from 2,200 to 3,500 square feet of living space.
A number of different home styles are available at Palmer Ridge, including a variety of smaller, one-level villa homes to larger, more traditional two-story dwellings. Palmer Ridge is an absolutely stunning community that also features a gazebo, a tot lot, and a common park area that features benches that overlook the neighborhood’s two ponds and the fountain that sits in the larger of the two water features. Homes for sale in Palmer Ridge sit conveniently across the street from Tatum Ridge Elementary School, which is just west of Interstate 75 and only minutes from downtown Sarasota. Palmer Ridge homes usually start at just over $300,000 and the community can be found at 4228 Adelaar Drive, Sarasota, FL 34240.
For additional information about homes for sale in Palmer Ridge, or to schedule a private home tour for an available listing currently on the market, feel free to contact me today at your earliest convenience!