Selling a home can be quite challenging in a recovering market as buyers look for the best possible deal but remain cautious about future events. You need every advantage over other homeowners listing their properties for sale and strategic pricing is just one of them. These days, buyers are able to preview hundreds of homes without stepping foot into a single one. The power of the world wide web gives them the ability to pick and choose which they’d most like to see in person.
This is why plenty of high quality images, complete with an immaculate presentation is so important. Buyers are highly likely to to select the properties which offer the most visually. In addition, those which deliver plenty of creature comforts and functional amenities. These help to pique their interests and to motivate them to take the initiative to get out and set an appointment of seeing a home. That’s precisely what you want to create in their minds, curiosity spurned by genuine interest in your home.
What should be duly noted is the at buyers can easily be scared away. You ought to know that big things aren’t the only problem, very small things are just as likely to turn off buyers. It might seem petty, but it’s a reality. Just dirty dishes in the sink are enough for a buyer to take a pass on a property. This is because you have to think about their mindset. When you shop for something, especially a large purpose, you are probably very particular about its appearance.
You have to go the extra mile to get buyers away from their web browsing and into your home. You need to start with a deep cleaning, both inside and out. Dirty windows, dusty shelves, cobwebs on the entryway, and stale, wilted flowers are big time turn offs. In addition to these, you should fix anything that’s broken, no matter how minor. That door that won’t close all the way because it isn’t plumb with the frame is a big deal. The hole left from a cable that’s protruding out from the wall.
“As real estate markets continue to recover around the country, buyers are out in full force. Many of today’s buyers make judgments about homes within moments of seeing a listing online. They are also more cautious than before the housing crisis. They want to make sure they’re buying the best house and for the best amount of money. For sellers, that means giving buyers what they want. Though it’s a home first and foremost, it’s also an investment.” —
It’s not enough to clean and make repairs, but also to declutter. Buyers love space and the more they see the better. Empty closets down to about a third of their total space. Clean out the garage and organize it neatly. Open the windows to let in the most sunlight possible and depersonalize as much as possible. Buyers aren’t interested in your life, they are interested in their own. Take many photos and post only the best. If you really want to generate more interest, shoot and upload a video. Have it professionally produced for the most impact. Highlight the best features of your home in the description but don’t take the liberty of embellishing because it will backfire.
There are plenty of things which scare home buyers away. These can be large or small and you might be surprised what makes the list. Here are the top things which turn off home buyers you’d be very wise to avoid:
- Outdated decor. If you have outdated decor, including wall decor, window treatments, and/or furniture, your home isn’t going to make buyers’ “must see” lists. Replace or take down outdated wall decor and rent furniture, then take photos to post on the internet. Leave it this way until you’ve accepted a purchase offer.
- Pet hair and odors. Pets are wonderful companions but they do more to discourage buyers than practically anything else. You ought to consider having your furry friends stay with family, friends, or even board them. Be sure to clean up every hair and address any odors.
- Poorly arranged “traffic” flow. Some homes are a bit awkward. This is most noticeable when there’s an odd flow through rooms like the living room. If you have to take out one or more furniture pieces to impart a sense of space, do so.
- Poor or non-functional appliances. Buyers will be quite concerned about poorly functioning or non-working appliances. Those items are costly, especially after saving a down payment, putting down an earnest money deposit, and paying for inspections. Replace these because they will be a big objection to buyers.
- Dirt, grime, and mold. Here in Sarasota, the climate conditions are ripe for growing mold. Dirt and grime are also a no-no. Clean these until there’s no trace and the space is immaculate. If necessary, brush on a fresh coat of interior paint.
In addition to these, you also make the list. Even homes which are professionally cleaned and staged are sabotaged by helicopter homeowners trying to sell their properties. Buyers don’t like being followed and certainly don’t care for the extra attention.